Sunday, July 18, 2004

Fiction for the literary starved

Okok.. Most people whom I've 'asked' to come and read my blog have exclaimed over how long my entrys are.. Very long meh? hahaha.. ok watz.. But anyway, let me give you a brief introduction into my reading habits.
I read:

  • Trashy romances 

They're wat i call brainless books cos u basically dun need a brain to figure out the eventual plot. Then why read this type of books then? JC life is too exhausting to immerse myself in a thriller or some autobiography during school term but I need fiction. Life is meaningless without fiction and imagination. With no dashing Prince Charmings in sight, my trashy romances keep me occupied.

  • fanfiction

Ok, for the uninitiated, fanfiction = fan + fiction. It's basically fiction written by fans of something. It could be of a book series like 'Harry Potter' or an anime like 'Prince of Tennis' of 'Naruto' or even of a television series like 'Buffy the vampire slayer'. All fanfiction requires is a willingness to put your imagination into words.

When I'm in a mood for a nice long read, I'll go the the section for the number of words in a story and click >5000 and I read stories with a minimum of 5000 words. Shocking! There are actually people who write fics that are so long? Yesh, my dear darlings, but of course you can find shorter fics as well. However, to find brilliant fics with great plot development, those with more words are usually better. I mean, a novel by... John Grisham, is more than 5000 words too watz.. Well, here are some recommendations of fics if you have the time or the inclination to read. These are some of my favourite stories and don't worry about the length of it.

Domina Rising by Arachne's Child (Chapters: 27 - Words: 104359 )

This is Harry Potter fanfiction. It's Snape/OC (original character) How do I describe this? It's bloody brilliant! Oh yeah, kiddies, this fic is rated R by the way. Consider yourself warned.

Blood Tithes by Gwendolyn M. Warlow (Chapters: 45 - Words: 90548 )

HP fanfiction again. This is a slash/yaoi fic. If you don't noe what this means, you might not want to go there. I might traumatise you for life.. Kidding! Let's just say that it's an interesting way to make Draco Malfoy dependent on Ron Weasley. [R-rated]

Hajime and Tokio by Angrybee  (Chapters: 24 - Words: 284914 )

My husband!! Hahaha.. Saitou Hajime and Tokio from Rurouni Kenshin! Yesh, I noe, Tokio is only mentioned once in the whole 20 something books but the fic is a development of their relationship. See, all you need is imagination. [R-rated]

Life Studies by Davesmom (Chapters: 1 - Words: 4545 )

HP slash fiction. It's between.... *gasp* Colin and Blaise. hahah.. See.. authors can make insignificant characters significant. This fic is a side story from the author's Draco/Ginny fic 'The Weasel and the Kneazle '. [R-rated]

Unforgiven by LadyRhiyana (Chapters: 23 - Words: 69600 )

Another fantastic fic. This is one story that had me holding on my breath as i read the story. Certain sections had me reading it aloud as the author was wonderful in her portrayal of the characters. I've never loved Draco Malfoy as much in another fic before. This author's stories are brilliant but I'm a Draco/Ginny shipper so I like this story the best. [PG-13]

Rites of Spring by Davesmom (Chapters: 1 - Words: 4421 )

This is an 'oh-so-cute' story between Draco and Ginny. Read it for yourself. [PG]

Hmm... now you noe why I spend so much time online. All the time is spent on sourcing the net for good fiction and reading it. Hahah.. Enjoy the fics.