Thursday, June 09, 2005

Passing on..

The death of a loved one always hurts.
No matter how much you try to be strong and how others try to console you, telling you that your loved one is in a better place, you'll still be upset. Perhapes, upset would be too mild a word to describe, depressed, lost or crushed would be better. Suddenly, that important person in your life is missing. No longer will you hear the laughter or see the smiles on the face of the person you love. Someone who has been such a big part of your life is gone. At first, you may be numb to the pain, later when you truly realise that you will never see the person again, you break down and cry because it just hurts so much.
However, death is very much a part of life and we must learn to cope with it. Mourn, cry and be angry with God for taking away the person you love. But move on after that, and know that she is with God and at peace.

Petrina msged me just now, telling me that her grandmothter passed away. I was shocked to say the least. I knew that she had been hospitalised due to medical problems but I just didn't expect it to be so sudden. Immediately, images and memories of her grandmother flashed through my mind. Her smiling face as Petrina tried to teach me how to play mahjong with her gramma, the gramma watching tv in the room downstairs. The gramma who will always be in her kebaya, rightly peranankan. I may not have been close to Pet's grandmother but as a friend who have hung ard her house quite a couple of times in sec sch, I still feel the loss. This will probably be only a small degree as to how Pet is feeling right now. I can only say Take care, Pet and know that she is with God.

My condolences goes out to Pet and her family. And to anyone who reads this blog entry, I would like you to think abt the loved ones in your life, be it family or friends and take time to appreciate them, to cherish them.