Wednesday, September 01, 2004

bad habits

Ok... tmw is prelim bio prac.. How prepared am I for it? Err... i think 60%? more prepared for it than my chem mcq anywae.. I just did the njc2003 mcq paper.. got a grand total of .... 23/40!! Sheesh.. how demoralising.. BUT! It's a kinda of a wake up call for me to go and study my chem.. forgot everything after my horrible chem structured paper.. sheesh.. Die lahz..

I haven't had a paper since last thurs.. tt's exactly a whole week for me to study and wat did I do with the time? I wasted it online, wasted it online, wasted it sleeping.. wasted it online again... I'm hooked on neopets again.. thanks to junyi,, hooked on wat? amassing my fake wealth at neopets.. geez.. I need to get a life.. I get hooked too easily on games.. first, it was some celebrity stock market thing, then netropolis, now neopets.. AARRggghhh...

Ok.. I'm terrible!!! Sheesh.. I had better buck up or esle my grades are going down the drain... Which they already are.. but i still have a small chance of making it thru the prelims if i study hard for the one week before we return for more exams.. Till then.. wish me good luck and help me pray for concentration and focus in my studies..