Monday, April 18, 2005

Shuai ges!!!

I've gone insane over shuai ges in jdramas and anime and manga!!! hahaha
1)Kazuya-kun!!!!! Kazuya from Gokusen is SOOOOOOO BISHIE!!!! *screamX3* *thinks Yaoi thoughts of Kazuya with the other hottie* Not Moco, mandy, u can chill~
2)Iwaki and Kato from Haru are sooo shuai!!! Drools over the OVA.. *Scream again*
3)LOVELESS - the anime is sooooooo sweet.. ok.. so far it is nice anywae... SUKIDAYO!!! hahahahaha.. SUKIDAYO!
Hmm... anyone esle?

Heh heh heh.. Too hyper earlier today liaoz.. *screams again* hahaha