Saturday, November 24, 2007

Things I want to do when exams are over~

  • 3rd Dec to 8th Dec : Ho Chi Minh
  • 6th Dec: Lynnette's birthday party
  • 9th Dec: Yingtee's birthday party
  • 10 Dec: Wisdom teeth surgery
  • 12 Dec: Dental appt for retainers

Things I want to do after that:


  1. Go Shangri-la high tea
  2. Pulau Ubin cycling! Picnic!
  3. Villa Bali for dinner
  4. Watch movies and DVDs
  5. Chong Pang nasi lemak!


  • Dinner and manicure with Siu!
  • Dempsey with the tweets?
  • Dinner with Gloria and Nep
  • Meet up with Ajitei colleagues for dinner
  • Meet up with Parkway colleagues for lunch!
  • Go for a japanese buffet with Qian, Julie and Eliza! YAY!! Eliza eats sashimi now~
  • Dinner with ASKJR
  • Make JCC hold a christmas gathering party!
  • Have some SCPS gathering in dec~

Things I want to buy in Dec!

  • Shoes!

ok.. Mark always asks me, "Do you want new shoes or do you need new shoes?" The answer is... NEED! haha.. My high heels are wearing out.. I need another pair of working shoes.

  • Another dress or two?
  • A nice going out bag, big enough to put my wallet but not big enough to whack a robber with
  • A couple of new dressy tops - Isetan voucher?
  • Xmas cards!
  • I'm going to find a lovely lovely address book to write in all my friends' addresses! - Kino voucher!
  • Working attire? - Raoul voucher?

Thank goodness for some of the vouchers BUT odds are...

i'm going to be broke in dec again! :)) Let's hope Ho Chi Minh has some stuff for me to buy!