Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Birthday wishlist.

Hmm.. my 21st is coming soon but I'm too busy to really do much about it. *sighz* Phuong asked me to put up a wishlist so here it is!

  1. Shoes! Ha.. both high heeled and not. I wear size 40.
  2. Bags! A working bag! the rest I'll just leech off my sister.. :))
  3. Clothes! - dresses, dresses and more dresses. My top's a size 10 to 12. Bottom.. eh.. lemme think.. Size 12 or 14? Don't think I can fit 16...
  4. A goregous japanese bento box but Qian says that's difficult to find. Hmm.. I'll just use home tupperware in the meantime. ha
  5. Shopping vouchers are fine.
  6. ANYTHING from Prints is fine too. :)) ha

That's the end. ha

Basically i would love ANYTHING that is practical and can be used or worn.

To describe myself, some people have said that I'm quite old school. I like old fashioned stuff, I love history! I love listening to stories! I have a vivid imagination. I like to plan. I like organization(despite the chaos that is my room). I like things that can last and will not go out of fashion. I'm quite a sentimental sucker...

The keyword is: Simplicity.

Just come to the party and make me smile~