Saturday, June 23, 2007

After the bbq..

We, as in, Phuong, Lynnette, Yenhan and I had a bbq at Yenhan's house with all of our respective bfs...

The bbq? Was slightly a flop cos we started late and we couldn't get the fire going.. I'll do better for Ruizhi's bbq.. hahaha... I'll know what to do now to start a fire.. Just bring my bf along... ha

The more interesting part for after the bbq when we were drinking and playing Lester's naughty but nice drinking game. I can safely say that I have never imbibed so much alcohol in my life before.. Since Chong Min was sleeping cos he needs to work, the remaining 7 of us were playing the game. That's Lynnette and Lynal, Yenhan, Phuong and Jhalley, Mark and me. Mark can't drink so... between the remaining 6 of us.. we kind of polished of almost a full bottle of absolute vodka. Although we mixed it with fruit juice, if it's a 1 litre bottle, it comes up to more than 150ml of vodka which is 40% alcohol(?) for each of us. I have NEVER drank so much before.. It's interesting to get a bit of a buzz from it but I don't like the headache that I'm having now.. I sure hope Lynnette is fine.. imagine me and her drinking the same amount but for her, it's packed into a smaller package... the same goes for Yenhan and Phuong too. The amount of alcoholl you can drink is relative to your body weight so maybe I didn't get as high as them. Then again, this is my first time drinking so much so maybe it all equates out in the end.

We asked each other interesting questions through the game and learnt a lot of new things about one another. It's fun to quadruple date.. for a slack home bbq.. okok.. maybe not so slack.. ahahah... Will post some pics up when I get them.

So some of you may be asking.. why the hell am I blogging at such a god forsaken hour? instead of sleeping the alcohol away?

Well... number 1, I'm waiting for my hair to dry.. my long hair if I might emphasize here... and number 2, because I'm feeling headachy, bf tells me to drink more water so I'm drinking more water as I type..

I hope I sound coherent but I think when I wake up tomorrow, I'll notice that I'm slightly rambling..

One piece of advice for whoever's looking to get smashed... Do it at home to find out your tolerance.. or.. make sure than you are in good hands after that..

I learn today.. my alcohol tolerance is not that bad... interesting to do this once in a while.. but it's crazy to drink like this all the time.. like what's the point?

Anywae.. I've finished my entire water bottle and I'm off to replenish maybe another half bottle.. that makes it about... 600 ml of water? hahah..

byebye folks!