Sunday, September 24, 2006


Currently I have this HUGE thing for men's watches... The designs are much much nicer than female watches!! Erm, I guess nicer as in it's more simple, more classic..

Watches are more timeless...
Ironic, no?

honestly, the older i get, the more i look into simple stuff... I'm a weird person, only certain people can understand how I can go the extremes. My sister was tortured last June when we went to Hong Kong..

"This shirt?"
"no.. too simple.. boring.."
"This one?"
"no.. too flashy.."

Hahaha.. lucky for me.. Kaijun can understand what I'm talking about..

So anywae.. back to watches..

This is my latest fave... Kenneth Cole.. Fell in love with Kenneth Cole's Reaction series after seeing Krishna's watch.. I made him swop watches with me for TWC class.. hahahaa... Goregous isn't it? But I think cannot find in Singapore.. wahh.. if can find ahz, if it's not too big.. think I might buy it.. then live off home cooked food for tt month.. but need to find it in Singapore first.. hahah.. Krishna and I are going to be watch shopping buddies.. muahah..

okok.. enough of my rambling.. Off to mug...