Thursday, September 28, 2006


Fark, I hate falling sick....
Everyone, pls look after urselves.
This is a bad time to fall sick so pls drink more water, more barley water, more bird nest, more chrysanthemum tea?

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Currently I have this HUGE thing for men's watches... The designs are much much nicer than female watches!! Erm, I guess nicer as in it's more simple, more classic..

Watches are more timeless...
Ironic, no?

honestly, the older i get, the more i look into simple stuff... I'm a weird person, only certain people can understand how I can go the extremes. My sister was tortured last June when we went to Hong Kong..

"This shirt?"
"no.. too simple.. boring.."
"This one?"
"no.. too flashy.."

Hahaha.. lucky for me.. Kaijun can understand what I'm talking about..

So anywae.. back to watches..

This is my latest fave... Kenneth Cole.. Fell in love with Kenneth Cole's Reaction series after seeing Krishna's watch.. I made him swop watches with me for TWC class.. hahahaa... Goregous isn't it? But I think cannot find in Singapore.. wahh.. if can find ahz, if it's not too big.. think I might buy it.. then live off home cooked food for tt month.. but need to find it in Singapore first.. hahah.. Krishna and I are going to be watch shopping buddies.. muahah..

okok.. enough of my rambling.. Off to mug...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Key word is...


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Loooooovvveeeeee the song...

豆浆油条 歌词

喝纯白的豆浆 是纯白的浪漫
望着你可爱脸庞 和你纯真的模样
我傻傻对你笑 是你忧愁解药
你说我就像油条 很简单却很美好

要一起吃下去 味道才会是最好

豆浆离不开油条 让我爱你爱到老爱

我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道
好不好 别偷笑 让我知道 好不好 别偷笑
让我知道 就好我
喝完热豆浆 眷恋着还想要
你吃完金黄油条 爱情又要再发酵

SOOOOOOO sweet.. hahaha..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's a small world after all..

It's a small world after all..
It's a small world after all..
It's a small world after all..
I just saw tortured scholar!!!
OMG... damn funny.. My mum drove to the Rochor tau huay place then i was just randomly looking out of the window when I saw this guy walk past with his mum. He was looking in my direction and I was like, 'ehh.. that guy look very familar..' Next thing, I knew.. He waved at me~ It IS tortured scholar~

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My latest favourite song~


Early in the morning, I put breakfast at your table
一夜都没睡但我 不曾如此清醒
我早餐准备了你 爱吃的东西
这次换我等你被咖啡 的香味叫醒

想要找回每天早晨 对我微笑著的你
还能够 做些什麼代替我的歉意
总是望著我 小心翼翼顺著我呼吸
而我竟然理所当然 让你精疲力尽

You were my superwoman
安静的在身边 无条件给我 梦寐以求的温柔
But I am only human
我怎麼不懂你多寂寞 残忍的犯了错
不能失去你 Ooh—Babe---

You fought your way through the rush hour
Try to make it home just for me
月光下静静靠著彼此 只求夜长一点
有多久没有好好看你 只是认定了我
无论在什麼时候回头 都有你的笑容

是我忽略了你也会有 想要哭的感觉
换我忍耐换我等待 不要真的弃权

不能想像更不能原谅这样让爱化成 灰烬

Sweet rite? For someone to call you superwoman.. Unfortunately, this is a stupid guy who finally realises too late how important you are to him.. hhahaha

The Singer Cao Ge is quite gd tho~..

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Blog revamp..

Decided that my blog was a bit childish...


Cheers, folks.

Life's too short not to smile.

My closest pals..
Amanda and Kaijun..

Siu Siu~ My telepathic girlie girl

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Food for thought...

Lynnette came up with this poster.. Isn't it absolutely thought provoking?

Is there peace in paradise? Hmm...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

My new jeans~!! *dances ard* Posted by Picasa