Sunday, May 21, 2006


I decided that I didn't sound very enthu abt my job..


There's so much to learn! It's so interesting and fantastic.. As for the bitching in the workplace, I stay out of it.. I'm only a lowly temp staff... hahaha.. open your ears and not your mouth.. politics is interesting when i'm not involved.. hahaha

Lalalalallaa... only one more week to go.. sadsad.. hope they call me back in June.. need money~ :DD

Saturday, May 20, 2006

My latest job..

For all those who do not know,
I'm currently a temp staff with the Singapore Eye Research Institute. That means, I'm stationed at a Primary School to assist optomerists and nurses.

My job scope entails:
1. Checking which is your dominant eye (mostly stationed here)
2. Doing ishihara (colour vision test)
3. Typing in names for the retinal photography
4. Occasionally doing the autorefraction (they refer optoms to do it so I hardly do it)
5. Keying in for the Ultrasound biometric machine (A-scan)
6. Sorting of papers in ascending serial number
7. Manually copying names
8. Keeping the children quiet

It's a fascinating job~! Biology is incredible.

I'm very lucky to learn so much here.. absolutely fantastic~!!! :DD

Hmm.. hope they call me back in June. I'm pretty broke. Two weeks working here and help to do much for my Hong Kong budget. Otherwise, I'm pretty much penniless~

Friday, May 05, 2006

Cheers, people~!

Life goes on~~!!

:crazy over japanese drama and anime now:


Damn.. wish antique bakery was more erm.. ***i... hahahaha

oh.. my QM got upgraded!!! hahahaha yesh!!!


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

On second thought...


haha... FA is out.. dealt another bad hand.. B-

ok.. I pretty much suck..
hoping tt QM may get one grade higher but.. until then.. counting my blessings that my lowest is B- and NOT C+.


okok.. moan and groan over it for another day.

I'll be fine tmw~

Meeting Kaijun to study Japanese this fri, hopefully..

Stupid sch employment system.. in the end, until now no reply.. think no job la.. bleah

Monday, May 01, 2006


A? *pui*


far from it...



*moan and groan*
